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Monday, May 30, 2011

Return the smile

"Did you know...that when you walk past a flower, whether it be in somebody's garden or on a vacant hillside, the flower will always smile at you. The most polite way to respond, i've been told, is to cheerfully return the smile."

What kind of smile do you wear?  Wait, first, let's find out what a smile is.  The best description I found of what a smile is that it's "a facial expression characterized by an upward curving of the corners of the mouth and indicating pleasure, amusement, or derision".

However, it can also be an involuntary expression of embarrassment or anxiety.  A smirk or grimace falls in the 'smile' category as it produces that upward curving of the lips.  But most telling of all are the eyes, they are a dead give away!  The tiniest twinkle in your eyes sends off a message physically and subconsciously that you are happy and that you are simply sharing your happiness to everyone.

I have my own list of smiles.  I would like to share them with you.  See if you've worn one of these one time or another, if not often.

1.  The 'I Know It All' Smile

No, this is not the, 'Yes, I know I lost all my teeth' smile.  This smile is worn with just a hint of it and with a kind of a 'didn't I tell you so' look.  As we age, our lives are filled with wonderful and not-so-wonderful stories.  This smile makes you wise and speaks volumes of knowledge gained and experiences learned in life.

 2.  The 'Simply Happy' Smile

This is the smile that is just contagious!  It simply shouts, "I am happy!  Be happy with me!"  These two handsome kids, Daniel and Edward, were depressingly introverts up until recently when they learned the power of love and smiling.  (Now that's a different story all together.)  We should all wear this one everyday!

3.  The 'I Didn't Do It' Smile

This is the kind of smile mothers hate seeing on their kids' faces but seen well too often.  However, most often than not, they get away with it!  Who cares!  This is a cute smile.  Don't try this, though.  It will get you into more trouble than you're already in!

Your smile will just end up looking like the next one. 

 4.  The 'Naughty, Thought I'd Get Away With It' Smile

This is the smile you wear when you get caught red-handed, or when you did something you think you will get away with but will be caught red-handed.  Enough said!  Peace, Erap!

5.  The 'Sexy, Suggestive Come On' Smile

This is the smile guys keep an eye on, always on the look out for and wish they get from the opposite sex.  (Okay!  The second photo may not be smiling but it is suggestive and inviting, isn't it?  Isn't she smiling at me?  Ha!)

Ladies, please use this kind of smile with caution.  This smile is done by professionals and should not be tried at home or in public. Do so at your own risk!  

Give us the next smile instead.

6.  The 'Sweet' Smile

This smile just breaks hearts.  One look and you know you're done for.... hook, line and sinker!  And it is so hard to say no to the 'please, can i have....' requests that go with it.  Sheesh!  Ladies, this is the kind of smile you should master!

7.  The 'I Am So In Love' Smile

There is no mistaking this smile.  The eyes alone exudes the strongest energy of pure happiness and bliss.  Lovely smile, this one!

8.  The 'I'm the Boss' Smile

Not much lip breaking here.  Just the stare and smirk that says, 'Whadda?!  I'm the boss... period!' smile!

9.  The 'Proud' Smile

The smile is generally intended for a person's personal satisfaction, of having done something really well that deserves a pat on the back.  A smile to be shared with superiors who should be the one giving the pat.

10.  The 'Confidence' or 'Close-up' Smile

The smile that shows no fear.  The smile for anything that makes you feel confident even if it means showing your two front teeth... or the lack of it!  Now isn't that a smile of confidence?  A real 'Close-up' smile!

11.  The 'Mouth slightly-agape, Model' Smile

The most envious smile ever perfected by those beautiful models gracing the billboards.  This kind of smile is being rehearsed by everyone!  I tried it!  (It doesn't work one me!  Shucks!)  But anyone can do it!

12.  The 'Reminiscing' Smile

A wonderful past, recent or ages ago, remembered and cherished forever, somewhere far far away,  as if living the moment once again.  You break out into this kind of smile.

13.  The 'Satisfied' Smile

The smile that breaks out when you got something you wanted.  Does not really need to mean a lot but  just made you satisfyingly happy.  

See that smile?  (I wonder what he got?) That is one mischievously satisfying smile!  I meant the chimp!

"The expression one wears on one's face is far more important than the clothes one wears on one's back."

Whew!  I can go on with this forever!  I had not realized that smiles can mean a lot of different things!  But my upper lip is stuck to my upper gums from smiling!  Beat that!  I have to give it a rest.  Besides, i'll be smiling again in the morning.

Whatever we're feeling, whether we're down and out for the count, we can always muster that extra strength to break out that upward curve of your lips, that little sparkle in your eye.  It only takes a moment to do it but it's memory lasts a lifetime.  Remember, it is contagious.  It can never be bought, borrowed or stolen and has no value to anyone... until given away.

Go out there! Keep an eye on that 'Come On' smile.  The 'Mouth Agape, Model' smile we all practice alone in the shower.  Go up to your boss with with your own big ass 'I'm the boss' attitude! 

It doesn't matter what kind you see today, just remember to return the smile!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A world without color

I'm pretty sure most of you were approached by a blind man/woman on a stoplight or the street, one time or another.  Begging for that extra change you can spare.

Have you ever wondered what the world looks like to them?  Total blackness, you'd say... void of color.  Lifeless....

Have you ever tried closing your eyes long enough, shutting them tight enough until you see white spots?  Then silhouettes in monochrome appear?   Wouldn't it be a treat if they could at least see things in black-and-white?

To say 'at least' is an understatement, for black-and-white images, compared to colorful ones that stand out, monochromes has the ability to communicate rather strongly than any photographic medium.

The ability to play with light... the drawing of light, to coin the term 'photography', will always have its rightful place in the legitimate world of classic art.

 Skies are compelling, it's dark tones mystifying and dangerous....

Architectural srctures, urban scenes, crowds... they tend to transform from dull into entirely different interesting subjects.

Admittedly, there are subjects for which color is more appropriate, such as farm animals, maybe... 

... or perhaps a musical concert.

But doesn't our superheroes look more menacing and sinister in black?

But arguably, black-and-white is at it's best for people photography, and specifically portraiture. From early photographers who documented American life during the depression, to famous photos of Hollywood stars of the 40s and 50s, black and white defies time!

Powerful images are depicted well in black-and-white.   Perhaps, our blind man/woman are better off in a world without color, in total darkness, don't you think?

Having shared some of these images, i'd like to consider them timeless, and has inherent dignity.  And they tend to outlast colored ones, as well.  Well, I would like my photographs to out last me long after i'm gone!

As a photographer, (an aspiring street photographer), i must admit i am obsessed with two aspects of the camera's ability to create images. Photography can capture beauty and it can stop time. And as often as not, black-and-white is the best way to capture beauty and stop time.  

But hey, that's just me...